Profound Thoughts on Human Sexuality

Where do we exactly draw the line for human sexuality and how does it develop?

If you can think back from as far as you remember, you can think of your first crushes. Now, go BEFORE that and hit somewhere before 5th grade (most common grade for a kid to realize their sexuality). Some of the most interesting conversations have been with random friends who ponder the same things.

The "Switch".
How did the switch go off and say, "Hey! You're straight!" or "Hey! You like the same gender!"? I theorize it's not just what they think of as a chemical imbalance, but within our genetic code. What I mean by this is when we were younger we had different colored hair right? Maybe different features, or even for some of us different colored eyes, but as we grew older and the gene's started to grow and mutate along with our developmental state. What if the switch was just turned on. It could be along with this "imbalance", but I find that to be extremely awkward too, because even in tests where they gave a homosexual the right chemicals to sustain a "normal" level of neurons/protons/electrons in their brain, they didn't turn heterosexual.

The Slot Machine of Lust/Love.
Now I introduce the fact that most humans have a Russian Roulette type they will go for. If put together right, no matter the gender of the person, they will instantly want to get to know more.
Say you go for someone LIKE me, Piercings, but presentable. You adore the fetish of piercings or think they're really cool, but you meet me and are like, "Nah, I don't like YOUR look, I'd want someone more...*insert random category here*." Then I think about it, and what about people who look nice, but are dead behind the eyes, or given up on ambitions. You could find them physically attractive, but completely un-dateable except for sex. I theorize no matter who you are, you have this spontaneous selectiveness of what you like in a person and the qualities you want.

Continuing with this thought, when you look a certain way, I think expectations get changed around quite a bit. For lust, it seems to not matter as muchfor a lot of people if they just want to get off for pleasure and not for passion. For sustainable relationships there has to be another fire there. The expectations I speak of are people with kids, not exactly "visually appealing" people, or people with drug/alcohol problems. Not being offensive by the visually appealing, there are ways to keep yourself up, but if there are circumstances beyond your control, a kick ass attitude or personality can easily outweigh stuff such as them. Now, anyways, facing these "issues" I think that a person who can still love that other for who they are should be able to pick themselves out of the stigma's laid upon them. Attractiveness plays a continuous role in all of this of course, because let's face it, we have been living in the age of eclectic imagery and vanity.

On the flip side of the expectations, we have vanity and greed. Those whom are rich and only want to be with someone who is rich. Or those who know they are attractive and will only go with who they see as attractive. Not to say anything's wrong with that, but to be honest, if you're not looking for the soul, the mind, and what's behind the eyes instead of verbal defecation even players can say...you're kind of on a crash course for lust only.

-Stopped Blogging at 9:56. Will continue later.

I'm agnostic or an atheist. I have no morals and have no belief's.

I believe...

That one thing leads to another. Positive, or negative.

I believe...

Ignorance is not bliss, but a state of mind where naive-ity affects every verbally defecated thought that comes out of your mouth.

I believe...

That if you consider yourself better because you will only wear a certain something, you should have a facial tattoo that says, "Dumbass" written on your forehead.

I believe...

Underage drinking is not the problem, irresponsibility for one’s actions is.

I believe...

That everyone is looking for an escape from their realities.

I believe...

Once you see everyone as an equal without races, orientation, size, height, gender, life uncomplicate’s itself.

I believe...

Lies are a way to reveal us.

I believe...

No one is afraid of death, just the way we get there.

I believe...

The fear of sexuality is the fear of the unknown and not about exploration of any kind.

I believe...

Originality never died. People just have yet to evolve with it.

I believe...

We are a little bit of everything and everyone we have ever encountered and dealt with. We are all thieves of some kind.

I believe...

No one gets to pick who they are physically and mentally attracted to.

I believe...

That Rapists, Child Molesters, and Sexual Criminals of a demented kind should be kept on an Island in the middle of the Pacific where up and coming Swat members can train their incapacitating skills.

I believe...

Everyone has some sort of creativity somewhere, and some people never want to tap into it.

I believe...

True Love and True Lust are easy to tell apart. However, liking with just a huge infatuation isn't.

I believe...

That if you’re going to stare at a person with piercings/tattoos, at least smile when they look back at you being rude.

I believe...

That real handsomeness/beauty is truly in the mind of the person looking at you.

I believe...

Religion is wrongly misused instead of faith in humanity. Believing in yourself is much harder than believing in some sort of deity. Atheism, to me, is partially closed minded.

I believe...

Honesty right to someone’s face is harder than talking while they’re not around. I also believe you’re spineless if you have the audacity to say it while they’re not around and try to keep it secret.

I believe...

The imaginary lines people create within their heads need to fade away before we can accept each other for who we are and not by what we’ve done.

I believe...

You were not asked to be born into this world and you can completely defy everything "set up" for you and take your own path.

I believe...

Age is how you feel and act, not what your current years spent on earth are.

I believe...

That we are the over medicated/self medicated generation who are dependent on certain drugs to get us by.

I believe...

Internet companionship means more to some people than real life because they don't connect enough with their real life cohorts.

I believe...

The facade put on by most people are for them to be more widely acceptable to bigger groups who really wouldn't like them for them.

I believe...

There is no such thing as "everything happens for a reason" but there is such a thing as coincidences.

I believe...