I believe...
That one thing leads to another. Positive, or negative.
I believe...
Ignorance is not bliss, but a state of mind where naive-ity affects every verbally defecated thought that comes out of your mouth.
I believe...
That if you consider yourself better because you will only wear a certain something, you should have a facial tattoo that says, "Dumbass" written on your forehead.
I believe...
Underage drinking is not the problem, irresponsibility for one’s actions is.
I believe...
That everyone is looking for an escape from their realities.
I believe...
Once you see everyone as an equal without races, orientation, size, height, gender, life uncomplicate’s itself.
I believe...
Lies are a way to reveal us.
I believe...
No one is afraid of death, just the way we get there.
I believe...
The fear of sexuality is the fear of the unknown and not about exploration of any kind.
I believe...
Originality never died. People just have yet to evolve with it.
I believe...
We are a little bit of everything and everyone we have ever encountered and dealt with. We are all thieves of some kind.
I believe...
No one gets to pick who they are physically and mentally attracted to.
I believe...
That Rapists, Child Molesters, and Sexual Criminals of a demented kind should be kept on an Island in the middle of the Pacific where up and coming Swat members can train their incapacitating skills.
I believe...
Everyone has some sort of creativity somewhere, and some people never want to tap into it.
I believe...
True Love and True Lust are easy to tell apart. However, liking with just a huge infatuation isn't.
I believe...
That if you’re going to stare at a person with piercings/tattoos, at least smile when they look back at you being rude.
I believe...
That real handsomeness/beauty is truly in the mind of the person looking at you.
I believe...
Religion is wrongly misused instead of faith in humanity. Believing in yourself is much harder than believing in some sort of deity. Atheism, to me, is partially closed minded.
I believe...
Honesty right to someone’s face is harder than talking while they’re not around. I also believe you’re spineless if you have the audacity to say it while they’re not around and try to keep it secret.
I believe...
The imaginary lines people create within their heads need to fade away before we can accept each other for who we are and not by what we’ve done.
I believe...
You were not asked to be born into this world and you can completely defy everything "set up" for you and take your own path.
I believe...
Age is how you feel and act, not what your current years spent on earth are.
I believe...That we are the over medicated/self medicated generation who are dependent on certain drugs to get us by.
I believe...
Internet companionship means more to some people than real life because they don't connect enough with their real life cohorts.
I believe...
The facade put on by most people are for them to be more widely acceptable to bigger groups who really wouldn't like them for them.
I believe...
There is no such thing as "everything happens for a reason" but there is such a thing as coincidences.
I believe...
You're lovely.
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